Malcolm will be starting school on October 8th. Well, i think October 9th because the 8th is Christopher Columbus day. He will be starting a Special Education Preschool. I am still working out the kinks onto which one.
We had Malcolm tested for autism back in July. They said that he is on the spectrum (mild to moderate) but probably more of the savant kind but he is too young to test for that. I have been since working with the school district to get him enrolled into pre-school. they did their own tests of course and then we came up with something called an IEP (individualized education plan). Basically what it is, is a set of strengths and weaknesses and goals to over come the weaknesses. his weakness is obviously communication and social. i think that once we get him talking and understanding us completely then he will be just fine. I am working out which class he will be in. there are 3. severe disabled, not for him at all, there is autism class and then there is cross curriculum. these last 2 are much a like but the autism is more of a rigorous structure with pretty much no room from change. the cross curriculum (which i think will be best for him) is kind of like the general special ed. we will get speech therapy a few times a week. 1 hour outside of his classroom and 30 with his class. if there is anyone else in his class who is also taking it he will get and extra 30 with them.
I think that once we get all details nailed down and he starts, he will absolutely adore it. then, i can work with inara at home and will be able to take her around other kids by myself, like to the playground and such, while malcolm is in school. She is starting to excell her brother in soemthings. if you ask her a yes or no question she will answer it and most of the time she understands the question and answer it correctly.
since about march, i have been batteling gallbladder pain. been kind of putting myself on the back burner and taking care of everyone else. after all, isn't that a moms job? Last tuesday i was in so much pain and none of my normal releaf meathods worked. i went to the ER. they scanned my gut and said "yep, you gotta ton of stones in there. go to a surgeion." so i found a wonderful wonderful surgeon. an old man whos been doing this for 40 years. i saw him on thrusday and made an apt for the surgery friday morning. They took is out and sent me home where with much help, i am making a fast recovery. today, i made the final visit to the surgeon. he said that all 4 of my holes that he cut in me look great and i should be completely back to normal in 4-6 weeks. he also told me that the gallbladder was riddled with gallstones. some starting to protrude and it was inflamed. probably another few weeks and i wouldve been really sick.
i have an appetite now but once i smell food i kinda back away. but doc said that would change here soon. i hope so i really miss cooking.
i have even found my figure again!! it was swollen under all the inflammation :)
My husband, thomas, is the most wonderful man. he went to every appointment and held my hand every step or the way! even though he has been working hard, he took the time and came with me for everything. he is a wonderful man! he made sure that i got my meds on time and brought me beautiful roses. i love him so much.
and sorry ladies he is taken!
here is a wonderful picture of malcolm and me together
well that's all i have for now...some glimmer into my crazy life! Until next time...
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